Pressed for Time; HIIT is the Answer!

My peers at work ask all the time how I have time to workout the way I do. My usual response is you make time for what’s important to you (yes, i am a bit of a smart ass). But the truth of the matter is, many people do struggle with managing time due to life’s responsibilities.

Everyone does not want to workout or even look like a bodybuilder, but Everyone SHOULD want to be the healthiest version of themselves possible.

With that said, a workout can be 20 mins or it can be 2 hours. As long as you get moving!

For those that are pressed for time then 20-30 minutes it is!

I am posting a few HIIT style workout routines that will be the most effective for the least amount of time.

Fair warning…… you will need a bottle of water and a pillow.

HIIT = High Intensity Interval Training

Benefits of HIIT

  • EPOC (excess post-exercise oxygen consumption) – HIIT increases EPOC resulting in an elevated fat loss state for up to 24 hours after the workout… you cant get that from walking or jogging for cardio.
  • Burn more calories in less time – HIIT has been proven to burn up to 30% more calories than other forms of fitness like weightlifting, jogging, or aerobics classes.
  • Saves Time – most HIIT sessions last between 15-30 minutes, which gives you enough time to get a quick shower and grab a meal before you have to return from lunch.

3 HIIT Style Workouts

The next time you have a 45 minute window in your calendar or need to get a quick workout in during your lunch break, try any one of these HIIT workout routines.

Bottom to Top Barbell Blast (Hell on Earth)

Total time – 15-20 minutes

Work:Rest – 1:1

I got this one from my boy Dion “Rheu” Rheubottom of Rheufit Personal Training. A whole body workout is perfect when you are pressed for time. That means targeting everything from the bottom to the top, in one single blast. Unfortunately, that blast will have you feeling the burn in every muscle in your body. Hence the name, appropriately coined by Rheu, “Hell on Earth”!!!

All you’re gonna need is a set of moderately heavy dumbbells or an Olympic barbell loaded up with bumper plates. Aim for a weight you can rep out with continually for 30 seconds and achieve a little bit of a burn. If you are the type that has an ego and need to feel like you are moving heavy weight; if you can pick up your version of heavy weight after 3 rounds of this… let us know!

Dion Rheubottom of Rheufit

How to do it:

The workout:

Complete three to four rounds of:

  1. Deadlift
  2. Bent over Row
  3. Power clean
  4. Front Press
  5. Back Squat

One round = 5 minutes

a. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds straight. Keep the weight moving constantly and maintain an intensity over 8 RPE.

Once you’ve hit the 30-second mark, drop the weight and rest for 30 seconds, before continuing onto the next exercise. Try to move around when resting to prevent blood pooling.

This specific workout calls for three or six rounds of action. So, if you’re a beginner, shoot for the three rounds and work your way up to four over time. One round equals a complete cycle of the entire exercise list.

b. (Same list of exercises above) Perform each exercise listed for 10 reps. Once you have completed each exercise, rest 30 seconds and start again. Next round complete every exercise for 9 reps.

Continue the same process until you get down to 1 rep for each exercise.

Good luck!

Complete Conditioning Kettlebell Circuit

Total time – 20 minutes

Work:Rest – 2:1

6 Kettlebell Exercises That Tone The Entire Body - - Articles

To crush this circuit, you’re gonna grab one of the gyms most versatile tools – the kettlebell. You only need to grab on, which is easier to do during a busy lunch hour.

Using only a single kettlebell you’re gonna work your entire body. Just find enough space to allow you the freedom to swing it and the dinner break gainz will all be yours.

For this HIIT session, we’re changing up the ratio. You’ll be working for twice the amount of time as you rest, meaning it’ll be easy to maintain a high intensity. Bros familiar with interval training will recognize this 2:1 protocol as the Tabata ratio.

How to do it:

Nail each exercise for 20 seconds at above 85% intensity or 8/9 RPE. Then, rest for 10 seconds, before smashing it again.

Once you’ve run through each movement that’s one round in the bag. For this workout, you’re looking to complete eight rounds back to back with no un-prescribed breaks.

Because you’re only using one kettlebell it’s important to use alternate reps. Whenever you’ve hit the move with one arm, switch to the other as soon as possible.

Not only will this help keep the intensity high, but it’ll create an equal balance of work on the body. After all, it’s better to prevent muscular imbalances and injuries than try to fix them. Not to mention nobody wants an out-of-whack physique…

10 Kettlebell Workouts to Build Muscular Arms

The Workout

Complete eight rounds of:

  1. Swings
  2. Cleans
  3. Snatches
  4. Pushup + deadlifts
  5. Thrusters

One round = 2.5 mins

Fight Ready in 15

As you’ve already guessed this workout will have you fight ready in no time. Designed originally for elite level MMA athletes, this HIIT session will kick your *ss in the best way possible.

Fight Ready in 15 covers the entire span of a professional bout. However, if you’re feeling seriously tough, battle it out into the championship rounds. Go for 25 minutes in total just like a real MMA champ.

What’s awesome about this workout it that the 2:1 Tabata ratio perfectly mimics the pace of a contest. So, even if you’re not an MMA athlete, you can get a feel for a real fight!

All without taking a shot we might add. Even better.

Just grab a bag, medicine ball, and a set of battle ropes, then get ready for action. We’d also suggest a pair of boxing/MMA gloves for hitting the bag.

How to do it:

Go as hard as you can for 10 seconds before resting for 20. Keep your hands up between exercises and imagine an opponent moving around in front of you.

Also, when hitting the bag, land every punch with the first two knuckles. This is the hardest and most durable part of your fist, which is something fighters learn from day one.

Lose Weight By Engaging Into MMA Workout

The Workout

Complete six to ten rounds of:

One complete round = 2.5 mins

20-30 minutes can be completed first thing in the morning, during lunch, or while you are watching TV in the evening.

SO now that the excuses of time has been eliminated, you have no reason to not get in shape and be healthier!!
Drop a comment… let us know what you think. Eat Smart Train Hard!!

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