Shredded and Sexy by Summer

With all of the new years resolution-ers invading the gyms and resolving to be in the “best shape of their lives”, its important to have a plan of action. If you are a newbie and have no idea what you are doing in the gym, please find a good trainer that will teach you and hold you accountable. If you have some experience, this is for you! I am giving you some free game… . The only ask in return is that you stick to using moderate to heavy weight that allows you to complete each rep and each set with good form; and to failure or close to failure. Also stick to the structure of the training sessions for optimal results. Lets get this work!!!!!

Workout Notes

Before we get to the workout though, here’s some important points to keep in mind:

Lift Heavy

The days of going super high reps for ultra-light weight (i.e. pink dumbbells) are gone. Ladies; training heavy (moderately heavy) and looking like a man is A MYTH. Its almost impossible for you all to gain rock hard muscle and be as lean as men become. So leave that excuse at the door of the gym. You’re shedding fat here, not muscle. To keep your muscle while eating at a deficit. So ladies train with, at minimum, some moderately heavy weight. Guys, you will need to lift heavy f#%king weights.

Diet Clean Up

I’m not talking about washing your fruits and vegetables before eating them (i.e. “clean” eating). By “cleaning up” your diet, we’re talking about focusing on whole foods – lean meats, fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats. Use junk food/cheat meals as a reward for a weeks (5+ Days of Hard work!).

A lean -sculpted physique is the goal, so that means curbing the daily cheats to get rid of the excess calories. We’re in deficit mode now, which means each and every calorie needs to count — there’s no room to waste on bon bons and Butterfingers.

Track Everything

Reiterating the two points above, you have to track everything — weights used on working sets, number of reps accomplished each set, how much you’re eating each day, and what you’re eating each day.

If you’re not monitoring what you’re doing in the gym and in the kitchen, you have no idea if you’re progressing with your training, stalling, under/overeating, or anything else. To truly succeed and make the most of these next 8 weeks, you must buckle down and track everything. Your end results are riding on this!


Cutting fat isn’t rocket science, you need to tightly monitor your diet and train your ass off. We’re burning off the goo here through a combo of high volume/intensity and heavy weight.

This isn’t easy by any means, and that’s where the last point comes in –COMMITMENT.

There’s going to be times when you want a drink with the gang after work or some cake with your co-workers during an office party. If this the reward meal for the week, then by all means; if not I strongly urge you not to! I mean, i cant tell you what to do and sure you can do that, but then again you can kiss your dream body goodbye. That drinking and bullshit doesn’t sound as “necessary” anymore does it?

Commit to your goal and pursue it with relentless, reckless abandon and you’ll be astonished at the end results!!!

Pump n’ Grind

Pump Chasers brings you the all new powerful pre-workout, Pump N’ Grind! This top of the line product features clinically dosed ingredients that will help bring you the explosive energy that you need to make every rep count! Pump N’ Grind also focuses on the muscle building compounds by adding in Creatine Monohydrate and the perfect dose of Betaine Nitrate to get that pump that makes everyone in the gym stop and stare! You’ll notice that the pumps, focus and energy you get from this product are unlike any pre-workout you’ve ever tried!

Now… It’s time to TRAIN!

5 Day Workout Program Outline

  • Day 1 – Lower Body A
  • Day 2 – Upper Body A
  • Day 3 – Lower Body B
  • Day 4 – Upper Body B
  • Day 5 – Body weight conditioning**

Each workout for Days 1-4 will consist primarily of supersets – that is performing two exercises back to back with as little rest as possible between the two, then resting for 60 to 90 seconds. This accomplishes two things: you’ll get a tremendous amount of work accomplished in less time and your heart rate will stay elevated, helping increase the number of calories burned and burning more fat while still maintaining muscle.

**Day 5 is a high intensity day. Explosive movements with little to no rest between exercises for 25-30 minutes. You will have a choice between a body weight plan and a HIIT session called “Hell on Earth” created by Rheufit trainer Dion Rheubottom. My advice, for better results, try Hell on Earth!!

Ripped Body Workout Plan

Your training needs to burn excess calories and we’re going to do that through a variety of techniques and methods (high volume, supersets, short rest periods, etc.). Choose one compound movement and one isolation movement for the supersets you do until you make it through your entire workout. This is precisely what you need to get the results you’re after – a body no beach freak can resist!

Get ready, because it’s nothing but a grind from here on out. Do you have the heart and determination to get the results you want!!??!

** superset the first two exercises listed.. then the next two..

Lower Body A
 Barbell Back Squat – Drop set last set 3 8-12 60  
 Leg Press – Drop set last set 3 8-12 60  
 Barbell Romanian Deadlift 3 10-15 60  
 Dumbbell Reverse Lunge – Reps are per leg 3 10-15 60  
 Standing Calf Raises 3 20-25 60  
 Seated Calf Raises 3 20-25 60-90  
 Ab Wheel Roll outs 3 10-15 0  
 Hyperextension 3 12-15 60  
Upper Body A
 Wide Grip Pull Ups 3 6-12 0  
 Incline Dumbbell Press 3 6-12 60-90  
 Bent Over Barbell Row 3 6-12 0  
 Flat Barbell Bench Press 3 6-12 60-90  
 Incline 2-Arm Dumbbell Row 3 10-12 0  
 Standing Overhead Dumbbell Press 3 10-12 60-90  
 Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3 10-12 0  
 Seated Dumbbell Rear Delt Flies 3 12-15 60-90  

MTS Yohimbine HCL is a superior aid in for getting rid of excess fat.  Click here to order now.

Lower Body B
 Lying Hamstring Curl 3 10-12 0  
 Front Squat 3 8-12 60-90  
 Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts 3 10-12 0  
 Bulgarian Split Squat – Per leg 3 10-12 60-90  
 Walking Dumbbell Lunges – Per leg 3 10-15 0  
 Swiss Ball Leg Curls 3 AMRAP 60-90  
 Hanging Leg Raises 3 8-12 0  
 Cable Chops 3 12-15 60-90  
Upper Body B
 Neutral Grip Pull Up 3 10-15 0  
 Standing Military Press 3 8-12 60-90  
 Hammer Strength Row Machine 3 10-12 0  
 Low Incline Dumbbell Squeeze Press 3 8-12 60-90  
 Dumbbell Upright Row 3 8-12 0  
 Single Arm Cable Lateral Raise 3 10-15 60-90  
 EZ Bar Curls 3 8-12 0  
 Lying Triceps Extensions 3 12-15 60-90  

Bodyweight Conditioning (HIIT)
Exercise Sets

 Bodyweight Squats 1 30 0  
 Push Ups 1 20 0  
 Chin Ups 1 10 0  
 Jumping Lunges 1 20 0  
 Bear Crawls –  1 25 yards  60-90   
  Rest 60-90 seconds after each round. Complete between 5-7 rounds      
Hell on Earth (HIIT)
Men – barbell with 95lbs or 145lbs Women – barbell with 65lbs or 85lbs

 Barbell Curl 1 10-1* 0  
 Deadlift 1 10-1* 0  
 Barbell Clean 1 10-1*  0  
 Standing Military Press 1 10-1*  0  
Back Squat  1 10-1*  0  
  * 1 round is each exercise for 10 reps. Rest 15 seconds. Complete next round with 9 reps of each exercise… Each round subtract 1 rep until you get down to 1…..see the video below     
 Good Luck!     

Note: Perform the bodyweight circuit going from one exercise to the next with as brief a rest as possible (5-10 seconds between the moves). Perform all reps for a given exercise before proceeding to the next one. Each week aim to reduce the number of breaks needed each week to perform all reps for each exercise, as well as trim the rest periods between circuits by a few seconds.

You won’t need to be slogging away on the treadmill anymore with this conditioning circuit to end each week!

Time to Shine!

Gym Junkiez do not want to be like everyone else in the gym. We do not want to train for months and stay the same . The time to start getting in shape is now! Whether you plan to hit the beach while its still hot, prepare for a shoot, or just become the best version of yourself, bear down for the next few weeks and really commit to your diet and training. When it’s time to remove your clothes, the new you that will stun everyone.
Let me know how this plan works out for you…. Till the next time gym junkiez, Train Hard!!!!!

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