Quick Tip – Use Salt!!!!



Sodium tends to get a bad rap when it comes to health and fitness. But it shouldn’t. Here’s the deal…. Sodium helps to regulate a number of key functions in the body, including muscle contraction, nerve function, blood volume, and acid-base balance. When you decrease your sodium intake, your body will compensate by excreting potassium, which will cause a decrease in the fluid volume of your muscle cells. This hurts their ability to grow. Increasing sodium intake, therefore, can increase muscle size by adding more fluid volume. A higher volume of intracellular fluid also increases protein turnover, further spurring growth. Another mechanism through which sodium can increase strength is by increasing extra-cellular fluid levels (fluid outside the cell membrane), which in turn improves the leverage in your joints, allowing you to move more weight on lifts. These increases in fluid volume both inside and outside the cell have also been shown to reduce the incidence of muscle strains and tendon injuries by decreasing the friction exerted upon these tissues. Finally, many critical amino acids are sodium-dependent. This means they are able to enter a muscle cell only when accompanied by a sodium molecule.

So what does all of that mean…… Use Salt to Improve Strength and Gainz!!

DO NOT use table salt, instead use Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt


Try this for a Pre-workout stack for a week and if it does not give you some of the most insane pumps and strength increases. Your next post workout shake is on me!!

5 grams of Creatine 

8 oz of black coffee

6 shakes of Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt

Drink this 30 minutes before you begin your work out.

To help with muscle gainz. Add 6 shakes of Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt to your post workout shake or  to your post workout meal!

***Your post workout meal should always be protein and some form of fast digesting carbohydrate. Fat should be next to nothing!!***


Try this for a week. Let me know how you feel. Drop a comment on this post. Till next time.. Train Hard!!!!

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