Perfecting the Concentration Curl for Maximal Gainz

This unique variation of the Concentration Curl perfects form by eliminating the ability to cheat the reps

 This curl variation comes straight from IFBB Pro. Branden Ray. He is notorious for finding different variations or angles to target muscle groups. Anything he has to share is solid gold!

We’ve all seen classic footage of Arnold performing his bent over concentration curls peaking the biceps. I like it however there’s no stability and the arm swings easily.

Then there’s the concentration curl performed while sitting on a bench with the elbow pressed into the bone working side leg. You have the stability from the leg, but you often see the curl get cheated when the elbows and hand don’t stay in line with each other.

Branden Ray explains how how you can combine the best part of both versions of concentration curls to perform the exercise more strictly.

Give this exercise a try in your next arm session! Post a clip in the Community Activity Feed and share your thoughts! Train Hard!!!

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