Leg Workout (Quad Focused) for the Ladies

3x WBFF Bikini World Champion and Pro trainer, Rachel Dillon shares shares a quad focused session for the ladies. This should be a quick 30 minute session using a superset and a giant set to scorch the quads! A short focused intense session. Good luck!!

Part 1 – Superset – Barbell Sissy Squats, Incline Dumbbell Squats – 60-90 seconds reset after each round

Barbell Sissy squats 4×15

1) Place your heels should on a slightly raised surface, like a weight plate.

2) Keep your feet shoulder-width apart, toes pointing forwards, shoulders back and down, and pull the bar down to lock in your upper body .

3) Bend at the knees and lean the body backwards, so that the tension comes into the front of your thighs.

4) Lower back as far as you can, keeping a neutral spine throughout. You should form a straight line from your knees to your head.

5) Pause at the bottom before slowly pushing back up to the starting position.

Dumbbell Incline Squats 4×20

1) Place your heels should on a slightly raised surface, or a slant board .

2 Lift the dumbbells up to rest on your shoulders to keep your upper body tight and in upright position. Brace your core .

3) Bend at the knees and lean the body backwards, so that the tension comes into the front of your thighs.

4) Lower back as far as you can, keeping a neutral spine throughout. You should form a straight line from your knees to your head.

5) Pause at the bottom before slowly pushing back up to the starting position.

Part 2 – Giant set – Barbell Walking Lunges, Step-ups, Bulgarian Hops – 60-90 seconds reset after each round

Barbell Walking Lunges 3×20

  1. Begin standing with your feet shoulder width apart and a barbell across your upper back.
  2. Step forward with one leg, flexing the knees to drop your hips. Descend until your rear knee nearly touches the ground. Your posture should remain upright, and your front knee should stay above the front foot.
  3. Drive through the heel of your lead foot and extend both knees to raise yourself back up.
  4. Step forward with your rear foot, repeating the lunge on the opposite leg.

Plate Step-ups 3×15

  1. Hold a plate in front of you at shoulder level and place one foot on a bench or box, your knee bent to 90°. Keeping the other leg straight and firmly planted on the ground, push your shoulders back and chest out.
  2. Push through your top foot to raise your body over the platform, your back leg suspended in the air.

Bulgarian Hops 3×20

  1. Standing in front of a bench (or chair, etc.), facing the opposite direction, place your rear foot on top of the bench – shoe laces down.
  2. Make sure you place your front foot far enough forward so you are in a full lunge position, not too close to the bench (see illustration), and be sure your weight is your front heel.
  3. Maintaining your balance, slowly lower your body down until your back knee almost touches the ground (the depth will depend on your mobility and stability and the height of the bench). Be sure to keep your upper body straight and upright and don’t let your knee come past your toe or shift inward or outward.
  4. Stand back up in a controlled manner until you’re in the upright position again (without locking the knee). Maintain proper alignment. Hands can be at your side, out in front of you or above your head. They can also be out to the side if you find it easier to balance this way.

Save this post and give this session a try. Let us know what you think. Train Hard Ladies!!

If you would like to try more of this style of workout. Rachel’s Busy Girl programs can be found at www. movewithus.com

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