If You Want To Improve Your Strength/Performance in the Gym AND Your Physique…. WATCH THIS!!!!!

This is an old seminar held by Stan Efferding on a nutrition plan called the Vertical Diet. I say old but the health/nutrition information he shares is very much relevant to your present health and wellness, as well as the future of your health and wellness. He covers everything from sleep habits and water intake to nutrition requirements and deficiencies you may not realize you have. I have personally followed this approach to nutrition and it has helped me progress in my strength training tenfold. Even if you do not decide to try the diet out, take as many nuggets of information as you can and implement them into your daily regimen! Take the time to watch this… you will NOT be sorry!!!!

If you wish to get a more detailed explanation of the information shared in this video, as well as meal prep plans and cookbooks, check out Stan Efferding’s Website.

Eat Smart! Train Hard!!!!

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